Tuesday, November 23, 2004
from Toby Levin
I had the honor of working closely with Ron when he negotiated the settlement on behalf of GeoCities in the first FTC privacy case back in early 1999 and again when he represented the DMA during the drafting of COPPA. I was always pleased to work with Ron because he would focus on resolving issues and often had just the right solutions to offer.
He was always honest and direct in working with FTC staff and was a frequent participant in our workshops. I respected his sharp analysis on privacy issues and valued his efforts to inform industry on FTC actions. Most of all, I always found Ron to be a warm and caring person.
We frequently shared stories about our children, and it was clear that he valued knowing me as an individual. We could talk about everyday problems as well as the latest FTC news, and I knew he would always great me with a warm bear hug if we had not seen each other in a long time. I know Ron has left a big hole in our Washington community that won't be filled. I will think of him often.
Toby Levin, Federal Trade Commission