Sunday, November 21, 2004


from Michael Nelson....

Thanks so much for setting up a blog for Ron Plesser. It's only appropriate that he have an online memorial.

I first met Ron more than twelve years ago when I was working on the Hill on the High-Performance Computing Act for then-Senator Gore. Even back then, he had an impressive grasp of the legal and societal implications of what was then a relatively-unknown technology called the Internet. Later, when I was at the White House working on the 1996 Telecommunications Act and the Clinton Administration's e-commerce policies, my colleagues and I relied upon Ron a great deal for wise advice on a range of Internet issues, ranging from online privacy to encryption to cyberporn. While we didn't always accept his recommendations, we knew his analysis would be sound and fair. Even more importantly, we valued his quick wit and his commitment to doing what was right for Internet users and the country.

I cannot count all the times over the last twelve years that I have quoted Ron or suggested that someone talk to him. Washington and the world have lost an invaluable source of advice on cyberlaw at a time when Internet policy has never been more important.

Ron, you are gone but the impact of your work will live on.

Michael R. Nelson
Director, Internet Technology and Strategy
IBM Corporation

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